Eggs finally!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
SF Bay Area
My first RIR, Martha, finally laid her first egg last Saturday. The second one came on Monday early afternoon, but none since. Can anyone tell me how long it takes until she starts laying everyday? Is there anything i can do to help the process along?

She should get into the rhythm soon. Providing a good diet and stress free environment are key. Having 14 hours of light also helps. Since its spring the hours are increasing, but if you leave a light ojn in the coop for a few hours after dark or before sunrise it will help.
Thanks Picco for the input - she's getting tons of light right now, from about 6 am until 7/8pm. Will it take a few days or weeks for her to get on a daily schedule?
Hi, When my pullets started laying, it took them about a week or therabouts to lay regularly after their first egg. That was a few months ago Now the girls spit em out like clockwork! We have OEGB's (gamebird hens), and they are awesome layers and get broody easily too. I think different breeds may vary on egg consistency.

Best wishes!
My OEGB hen only lays every other day. She had just started to lay when I got her. She layed like clockwork every other day. Then about a month or two after I got her, I started to leave the eggs in the nest to see if she would sit on them. They are so small, I figure i was not missing much in the way of eggs, ha ha. Anyway, she got 8 and started sitting! She is now on about day 17. But she layed every other day, not every day. Any clue why she would do that?

Hi, from what I understand, when a hen starts getting in the broody mood, her egg production will slow down. Kinda, a natural hormone thing so she won't still be laying when she's setting-that way all the eggs hatch at once.

And ccchicken, you can help her by providing a good layer feed, and offering oyster shells (found at feedstore). Sometimes, the girls just won't lay regularly due to unseen reasons (it must be a hormonal thing lol!).
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HI.. I am new here and to chickens too... We are having a BLAST.. this post caught my eye.... How old are your chickies? How old are they when they start laying? and when are the eggs...normal eggs?

My RIRs are both about 24 weeks old - and only one of them has started to lay (although as you can see above - sporadically). Am hoping that Ellen will catch on now that Martha has started. I just got my 3rd egg today, its a bit bigger then the first two and they are all different shades of a rusty red/brown. Its like Christmas going out there and seeing an egg! I don't think I will ever get tired of it
Oh, I know! We just got our 2nd egg ever today (and darn it!, my daughter found it before I did
) It is like Christmas..or Easter!

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