First egg in the winter?


5 Years
Aug 19, 2014
I started raising chickens this summer and my hens are getting to the age now when they should start laying. My one hen has started squatting when I try to pet her, but no sign of any eggs yet. Will the fact that its now getting to be winter delay or prevent her from starting to lay? How long after you noticed your hens squatting did they start to lay?
Well, my hens never squatted for me and still don't, but I can tell you that they all (6 of them) started laying in the Winter. They were varying ages (22 to 26 weeks on average) but the shorter days didn't stop them. When you gotta go, you gotta go!

I'm sure it probably differs between breeds, but my RIR's and BO's had no issues and laid consistently right through the Winter.

- Krista
Thanks that makes me feel better! She's still probably a little young (almost 18 weeks) but I'm getting anxious for the first egg and didn't want the winter to slow down the process lol
What does a squatting chicken look like? Sorry for the silly question. I have no idea tho. Lol
They bend their legs a little (squat) and lift their wings out slightly and just kind of stay like that without moving. My chicken will squat like that when I pet her once in a while then fluff out her feathers after I stop petting her. It's kind of funny because I think she thinks I'm a rooster trying to do my "business" with her. This is a hens submissive pose for a rooster when they mate. I have read that once they start showing this behavior an egg is soon to follow in the next few days/weeks

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