First time incubating, movement!


Mar 24, 2024
Hi, first time incubator, I’ve got 6 eggs in the incubator. I got them from my neighbor who has wonderfully healthy chickens. Easter eggers, Rhode Island reds, and Black Marans. Anyway, today is the 6th day of incubation and I candled the eggs. (I candled right before I put them in the incubator and then just turned them, and added water.) (I wish I knew how to take pics/video while candling but I use my phone to candle.) 4 of the six have a ton of veins, nice looking air cell, I feel really good about them. The lightest egg has tons of veining, and a little bump, and that little bump was MOVING! Not the yolk and white kind of sloshing around but the bump was moving! I’m so excited. (The 6th eggs shell is so stinking brown I cant see a thing). For a those of you familiar with candling/incubation is movements on par with day 6 development? I know 21 days incubation but what if the hen sat on the eggs for a couple days, would the development in incubation be faster? I’m so nervous. Now that I know something’s trying to live in there, I’m scared I’m going to do something wrong.
If the eggs were being incubated by a hen before they were placed in the incubator then they would be more than 6 days old. Sounds like they are developing good.
If the eggs were being incubated by a hen before they were placed in the incubator then they would be more than 6 days old. Sounds like they are developing good.
If the eggs were being incubated by a hen before they were placed in the incubator then they would be more than 6 days old. Sounds like they are developing good.
If they were under a hen it wouldn’t have been more than a day or two. My neighbor is adamant about collecting eggs everyday. She has 43 chickens and claims she doesn’t want anymore. But chickens can be sneaky. I’m so excited/nervous I’m ready to jump out of my skin!

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