OG Anomaly

Jul 23, 2017
Hi :)
I am moving halfway down the coast and we can't take our girls with us. :(
We have have 7) 18 month old White Leghorn hens. They usually 7 eggs every day, sometimes 6. They even laid all winter.
All the chicken stuff we have, including the coop, are free to a good home. You don't have to take the coop, if you only want the chickens.
The coop is a DIY coop and made for using the Deep Litter Method, but I'm sure it could be used traditionally as well, the whole back opens up. The coop has an attached run that needs to be redone with hardware cloth (right now it has chicken wire), and the venting needs to be a little straightened out with some hardware cloth as well, it still doesn't seem safe from minks or martins. We've been hit several times by raccoons, and the first time (and a half-they hit some of the girls in a tree), we lost a few, but after that our girls have been safe inside the coop itself and have survived any new attacks.
The coop was built by some young guys and, while not 'professionally finished', it's worked well enough for us over the past year.
We also have a heated waterer, about 150lbs of pellets (as of today), 25lbs of cracked corn, 25 lbs crushed oyster shells, some first aid supplies, etc. that can also be included.
CHICKENS Only- I might be able to help with transport, within a 50 mi radius, or so.
If the COOP is included- it must be picked up by the new owners, with the chickens.
The chickens free range during the day, usually around dawn-early morning until dusk, and are then closed in the run until dark, when they're locked into the coop itself.
They seem to be in pretty good health, we do put Corid in their water, or else they'll get diarrhea, but other than that, knock on wood, we haven't had too many problems. We did have one that was getting eggbound, but we're pretty sure she was taken by the raccoons. We haven't seen any of them having problems since then, and it's been several months.
They all look pretty much the same, the only way we can really tell them apart, is by their combs. Except for Stumpy, she lost her tail feathers when she was a chick, and she likes to hang out by the house, trying to get in.:lol:
They're timid birds, but they like to hang around with us when we walk around, and they'll come when they're called. Their favorite treat is dried meal worms, or a head of lettuce on a string in the winter, when they have to stay in the run. They did very well this winter. We used clear plastic shower curtains for wind breaks all around the coop, bought a hygrometer (sp?) to check the humidity and they only had 'normal' first-year frostbite on only some of their tips. We live outside of Buffalo,NY and we definitely had some -35 below temps here, in the winter.
I can't think of anything else (I'm sure I've forgotten something, haha)...please ask if you have any questions/if you're interested, here or PM me. Thank you! Really hoping we can find our girls a new home!:love
ChickenLookWhatAreYouDoing2018.jpg ChickensAtFeederSpring2018.jpg ChickensInCoopDoorWinter2017USE.jpg ChickensUnderRampWinter2017.jpg CoopBackOpenNoHinges.jpg CoopBlurryKittyCornerFrontAug2018.jpg CoopDayFrontwGurls.jpg CoopDoorLocksJuly2018.jpg CoopInsideRunRoofRt.jpg CoopRunLookIntoCoopAug2018.jpg CoopSideDoorClosedJuly2018.jpg CoopSideDoorOpenAug2018.jpg CoopStraightOnBackSideAug2018.jpg CoopwPlasticFrnt112017.jpg 0731180942a.jpg AsstdChickenWhiteJunk112017.jpg

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