
Sep 6, 2021
I have 5 - 10 week old egyptian fayoumis and brown leghorns chicks who free-range. I've heard these breeds are suppose to be great free-rangers but some have died without any sign of sickness, attack, or anything. I let them roam around when I'm outside but if I turn my back for a few minutes one or two sometimes disappear without a trace. I tried waiting and watching from a distance but nothing came by. The other chicks don't seem to have noticed it and just keep foraging.

One of my brown leghorns also became paralyzed for a minute and was flapping like it was dying (this happened to one of my adult hens last year but she didn't recover) but after a while he could barely walk and wobbled until he was running around with the rest of the flock a few minute after. I have a livestock guardian dog and barn cats (both of which are trained to be with the chicks and chickens and wouldn't hurt them) but it seems like predators are still sneaking by. I had the same problem with chicks disappearing last summer before I got a LGD and cats, too. My cats have killed rats and garter snakes and my LGD has scared off all the other bigger predators so I'm thinking it might be a poisonous bug or spider since the cats have't eaten it? Does anyone have any guesses of what could have happened to them? Any guesses with reasoning would be very appreciated!
Can you post photos?
I also, had something fairly similar happen to me with my second & third batch of chicks. We have no predators... or so I thought. My chicks mysterious were dead under bushes w/o marks. This happened sometimes close together, sometimes far apart. For me, it ended up being my "trusted" dog and it took me a long time to actually catch him because he was never in the vicinity, usually far away when I found the still warm limp chick. I kept a good eye on also. He made 1 mistake about 1.5- 2 yes later and it was no longer a mystery. He now resides with another human and I have have no mystery losses.
Losing one in the coop may be a one off but if not and them being chicks a quick dose of Corid or amprolium could not hurt right?
They are eating medicated feed so I doubt it's cocci. I don't have anything to take a photo of at the moment, are all just running around like normal and the one who died was buried. I know it's not my LGD or barn cats because my LGD is always on a leash or in a kennel because he's only a year old and my cats have their own food and toys and I tried to offer them a dead chicken before because I figured that at least it wuld feed them but they didn't want it same with the LGD. Also, I had chicks, 2 who 3 month old bantams, last summer who vanished. One came back the next day but after that they both disappeared. This was before I had a dog and cats so I know it's not them.
Predator or possibly something they are eating is poisonous
Do you keep activated food grade charcoal on hand ?
@Miss Lydia what is your thoughts ?
I don't have activated food grade charcoal but I spread First Saturday Lime where the chickens are often at and the chicks have grit. Poisonous plants are a good guess but I've heard chickens know what is and isn't toxic and only pick what they can eat which is how they survived free-ranging. Most of the plants I know for certain are safe but with others I don't know what they are.
I'd love to know how you was able to train your barn cat not to kill baby chicks(bird) I have chickens and cats both so my chicks are kept in predator proof coops and runs until grown.
I picked up ones that were socialized with them when they were young and were positively reinforced to not attack anything with feathers. Also, my chicks were disappearing last summer before I got cats and a dog to protect them so I know they weren't the ones behind it. Also, the wobbly chick was right beside me when he started to become paralyzed and it happened suddenly when I wasn't paying attention but I know a cat or dog couldn't have made a chicken like that.
I don't have activated food grade charcoal but I spread First Saturday Lime where the chickens are often at and the chicks have grit. Poisonous plants are a good guess but I've heard chickens know what is and isn't toxic and only pick what they can eat which is how they survived free-ranging. Most of the plants I know for certain are safe but with others I don't know what they are.
Just thinking cause they act weird fir a few mins the return to normal that it could be something they shouldn’t eat
Doesn’t explain the ones that disappeared though

I keep the charcoal in my emergency kit in case
So far I haven’t used it but if ever I need to it’s there

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