Goose hit by car

As of today 11/14. Update, I found a rehabber but cannot take until next weekend. Not sure if the goose will make it. She was doing so well, standing all the time mainly one legged. The rehabber told me it was important to give her a bath to work her other leg. The other leg has puncture wounds at the ankle. Well after her bath with the help of my daughter, we rewrapped the damage leg and put Neosporin on the wounds. The leg is very warm and swollen. The next day she is back laying all day. Stopped eating as well. Did drink the water. I gave her scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, with a wet flock food. I put two tablespoons of Farm animal antibiotics in a dog size water dish. She ate the eggs and fruit but very little of the flock food. She drank about 1/4 of the water dish. I am now really concern on the infection. I wish I never gave a bath as she was doing so well prior. I think she needs stronger antibiotics. The only thing I have around to give her is a dog's prescription, called Smz-Tmp 960mg. Or should I change the amount of farm animal antibiotic amount? I was wondering would it help soaking her leg in Epson salt, as a thought but don't want to make the infection worse. Also thought taking the bandage off and spray it with iodine then add raw honey. I hope to not loose this battle trying to save her.

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