Hatchalong - come pick one!!!



Professional Chicken Chaser
Jul 18, 2023
The Keystone State
So a friend wants to keep chickens and she ordered the eggs and incubator. After hearing about my great success with my incubator she bought the same one in a bigger size. It takes 110 eggs! She ordered assorted eggs from I think Murray McMurray Hatchery?. Not really sure. They sent a list of the numbered eggs and what breed will hatch out of that egg! I’m so excited!!! I am going to just list what breeds were included and will let you know what you picked out - what breed. But you have to take a guess first!! But I will say what breeds were included.

Ameraucana, Blue Andalusian, Barred Rock, Silver Grey Dorking, Crevecoeur, Speckled Sussex, Whiting True Green/Blue, Buff and Lavender Orpington, Partridge and Barred and Buff Rock, Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner, New Hampshire Red, Black Australorp, Rhode Island Red, and all types of Wyandottes - Golden, Silver, and Blue Laced Red, and last but not least Ancona.

So go ahead and root for an egg! Name the chick too. And be sure to root for him/her daily because the chickie is going to need you support! 😊🥰
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So a friend wants to keep chickens and she ordered the eggs and incubator. After hearing about my great success with my incubator she bought the same one in a bigger size. It takes 110 eggs! She ordered assorted eggs from I think Murray McMurray Hatchery?. Not really sure. They sent a list of the numbered eggs and what breed will hatch out of that egg! I’m so excited!!! I am going to just list what breeds were included and will let you know what you picked out - what breed. But you have to take a guess first!! But I will say what breeds were included.

Ameraucana, Blue Andalusian, Barred Rock, Silver Grey Dorking, Crevecoeur, Speckled Sussex, Whiting True Green/Blue, Buff and Lavender Orpington, Partridge and Barred and Buff Rock, Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner, New Hampshire Red, Rhode Island Red, and all types of Wyandottes - Golden, Silver, and Blue Laced Red, and last but not least Ancona.

So go ahead and root for an egg! Name the chick too. And be sure to root for him/her daily because the chickie is going to need you support! 😊🥰
I'd love to root for a Speckled Sussex, I have a couple of those cuties! 🥰
Or do we pick a number from 1-110? 🤔
Dang, that's a lotta eggs! :eek:
I'd love to root for a Speckled Sussex, I have a couple of those cuties! 🥰
Or do we pick a number from 1-110? 🤔
Dang, that's a lotta eggs! :eek:
Yes 1-110. Speckled Sussex are egg number 3,9,83,94,109. You can pick one of those numbers.
Thank you for rooting! Tag a few to come and root for an egg!
So a friend wants to keep chickens and she ordered the eggs and incubator. After hearing about my great success with my incubator she bought the same one in a bigger size. It takes 110 eggs! She ordered assorted eggs from I think Murray McMurray Hatchery?. Not really sure. They sent a list of the numbered eggs and what breed will hatch out of that egg! I’m so excited!!! I am going to just list what breeds were included and will let you know what you picked out - what breed. But you have to take a guess first!! But I will say what breeds were included.

Ameraucana, Blue Andalusian, Barred Rock, Silver Grey Dorking, Crevecoeur, Speckled Sussex, Whiting True Green/Blue, Buff and Lavender Orpington, Partridge and Barred and Buff Rock, Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner, New Hampshire Red, Rhode Island Red, and all types of Wyandottes - Golden, Silver, and Blue Laced Red, and last but not least Ancona.

So go ahead and root for an egg! Name the chick too. And be sure to root for him/her daily because the chickie is going to need you support! 😊🥰
May I please root for 19? What breed is it? Depending on that I’ll choose a name! Go little chick go!!!

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