Hatched chicks looks like intestines hanging out?


8 Years
Oct 15, 2011
Hiawatha kansas
Hi. I am new to the forum but I have had chickens all my life. I haven't used an incubator since I was a little girl. My husband and kids and I have started hatching eggs in an incubator. So far so good until last night. We had one hatch that looks like it's intestines are hanging out. The poor little thing. I don't know what to do for it. I'm pretty sure it's not going to make it though. I want to share a picture but I'm not sure how to on here.
Welcome to BYC! You won't be able to post pics, as you are too new for the spam filter. Sometimes, the chick gets his legs tangled up in the umbilical cord, and if he really kicks, it pulls too hard on his insides.
Was the yolk absorbed all the way? You can put some neosporin in a Q-tip, and try to push it back in. I have found that the hardest thing to accomplish is to keep his hatchmates from picking at it.
Has he dried out yet? Is there any blood? Can you separate him until then?
Need to know a little more, so I can help better, Roberta



The long thing is dry but I was asuming that it the intestine? He is not walking well yet either. He is weak. He is seperated from the others.
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It looks like the umbilicus cord sp? to me! Keep him separate so the other chicks don't peck it and keep him warm see if it dries up and falls off and the rest should be absorbed!
He's dry now and he's separate. He's just weak and falls over a lot. He hatched last night so he should b more steady right? I hope it is just his cord!
Cut that thing off close to his body. Looks like his legs are stuck to it. The longer it is, the more he can trip on it, or pull it out and make things worse. Is it dry yet? If it's still wet, there's a chance he could bleed out.

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