Hello from Mayberry


Chillin' Out
12 Years
Mar 7, 2007
Mount Airy, NC
I just wanted to let you know what a great forum you have here at BYC. I was raised on a farm and we always had hens and chicks around. Well, after many years and being influenced by all your stories, I have placed my order with McMurray and expect to receive 32 babies next week. I ordered 8 Light Brahmas, 8 Buff Orpingtons, 8 Black Australorps and 8 Silver-Laced Wyandottes.

Hi there NY here! I've got just about everyone of those chickens. You'll love them, they are so pretty and good layers to boot!!!
Mount Airy, is a beautiful place, I visited there last year. It will be very nice for you, I am thinking there must be lots of chicken folks around. It is a perfect spot with lots of country nearby.

Welcome and enjoy you birds, of course we expect to see photos of the babies.
I also agree with the Brahmas...I miss mine badly...
They're heavy breeds, so they may not lay until they're 6 months old...
Big, is that a Brahma as your avatar?

Thanks for the vote of confidence for us all...you have to show us the babies when you get them settled.
Welcome to BYC, Andy. You can't go wrong with those Buff Orps,sweet chickens

BTW the way...Really like your avator!!! Who Dat! Who Dat! Can't wait till next season

Good to have ya here,
You will love your buff orp's and australorps,they are great laying hen's and gentle beautiful bird's. You did a great job of picking out your breed's. You must of done your research first like I did. LOL

Congrat's and enjoy. This is just the beginning for you.
SpottedCrow, Thanks for the compliment, ya that's bigzio my Light Brahma Roo.

He is very gentle and one of the family.

Hi Andy, so when are the little ones coming??? yeah I can remember those sleepless nights
When they got here I could just sit & watch them all the time... baby chics are so darn cute

Later, Miriam

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