
Apr 30, 2024

I live in Northern Utah near Ogden but was raised in Salem, Utah. My family lives out in the Lake Shore and Benjamin areas of Utah on farms but they are not the kind to help answer questions as they feel you need to learn from your mistakes.

I am new to raising chickens and geese. My grandparents have farms so I have been around them and helped out with them when I was younger. This past weekend we purchased 4 chicks (2 cochins and 2 easter eggers) and 2 goslings that I am sure are White Chinese Geese.

We have been enjoying having our little friends but do have questions like best bedding for geese as the pine wood chip flakes don't seem to like their feet and the dust concerns me about breathing issues for both chicks and goslings. We also have brooder heaters that I find myself struggling to trust. Any advice is appreciated.

Some of my hobbies are gardening and getting back to my roots. I enjoy using essential oils and am learning about herbs and edible plants (including those things labeled as weeds). I would love to find the time to get an herbalist certification as I love all things about natural health.

my husband and I have 2 daughters and 2 pitbull mixes that are 3 years old (a male and female). The male dog thinks all the new birds are exciting and he stares in their brooding buckets (we were told to just use tote buckets as brooders) wagging his tail excitedly. Our female dog got nipped on the nose by a gosling so enjoys watching the new babies from a distance but is still excited about them.

I found BYC while searching google for more information on our spur of the moment purchase and have loved what I have found. I hope to learn much and offer advice in the future.


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hello and welcome! I'm pretty sure cedar is bad for them, use pine flakes instead, or straw
Cedar shavings are not recommended because the scent can be overpowering and even toxic, especially to chicks.
I just checked and it is pine wood not cedar. I have updated my post. The wood chips seem to irritate the goslings feet and it days low dust but it has a lot still. I thought straw was bad due to the mold and mite possibilities?

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