Help! 3 week old chick acting slow


Mar 31, 2023
Her name is Lord of darkness and she's always been really exciteable, like jumping at me when i open the chick cage. i had her outside with all of her siblings (a mixture of 4 week olds and 7 week olds) and one of the older chicks picked a fight with her about 30 mins ago. Ever since the fight she's been acting a little lethargic, laying down and choosing not to stand at all. I checked her entire body and saw no injury but noticed she is skinnier than everyone else. for now i have her in a small cage with food and water. Any advice to help her feel better?
Photos of her and her poop?

She may be a bit stunned from having a spat or perhaps she got pecked in the head.

Give her drops of sugar water to see if she perks up. I'd keep her near her flockmates.
Thank you for your advice! She perked up and is acting like her old self, i'll update though and will provide sugar water if she starts acting weird again. i think she might have just been stunned

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