***Help with identifying duckling. ***


9 Years
Oct 16, 2010
I have a 3 week old muscovy that was vented at the hatchery and is suppose to be a female. I am kinda in panic mode right now because I just read on a website that a females will be completle feathered before there caruncling will apear. Is this the same for all muscovies? Here are a few pictures of the duckling, does she look like a male or female. These pictures are less than 24 hours old. It looks like she(?) is starting to develope caruncling at the top of the beak. You cant see it the pictures but her underbody is slightly rounded from the breast back to the legs, but behind her legs she is really round. I only have the one duckling so I cannot compare them in size.




Too early to tell sex yet by just looking at it- But professions have a great accuracy level in vent sexing - so you should just believe that it is until something proves it wrong.

It may get a few little bumps on the edge of the beak now- but the actually real red coloured carnuncling wont start to grow in proper for weeks yet. It looks like a normal little scovie for now.
Just to set your mind at ease- I dug out a photo of the last scovie baby I had here. It was about 2 weeks older than yours when the photo was taken- but you can see the same little pink bump coming up in the same place. This one was a female too.
I got her from a local hatchery and all of the hateries reviews said that their muscovies grew very fast. I am hoping that this is the case.

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