Hen Drinks too much Water and has Watery Poop!!


6 Years
Jul 12, 2013
I have a 1 1/2 year old serama hen that just started drinking a lot and has a lot of water in her poops in the last 4 days. She drinks most of it towards the afternoon. It hottest it gets around 75 - 80 degrees and no direct sunlight. She is not panting or anything. Other chickens near her are drinking normal amounts so I wouldn't think it is the heat. She is eating quite well. She seems in good health. The poop looks green or brown with white and a lot of water . You can feel her crop full of water . The watering cup is almost empty. She is somewhat active and seems ok. I don't see no red in her poop and she has been treated for coccidiosis a week ago. I have to replace the wet wood shavings and poop in her pen everyday to prevent coccidiosis due to the warmer weather and wet shavings where she pooped. She has solid poop as well and doesn't drink a lot in the morning. The only thing I noticed is her feeding cup is empty after feeding a 1/4 cup of food in the morning. She is about 17 oz so that should be plenty. She is the only one in her pen and I don't want to overfeed and have her get fat. Should I feed more and give less water? What would cause her to drink too much. Would hunger cause her to drink too much because that is all she can find?
Worm her with valbazen liquid cattle/sheep wormer or safeguard liquid goat wormer. Use one product or the other. Administer using a syringe without a needle. Dosage for either wormer is 1/2cc orally undiluted for standard size birds, 1/4cc for smaller birds. I recommend that you worm all your birds. Redose them again in 10 days.
Watery poop + green poop = worms.
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You might want to consider giving her more food also,she could be filling up on water if she is hungry. My chickens have access to food all day long(mine eat what they need and none are overweight including my silkies).

Make sure she has access to grit and oyster shells/crushed egg shells(to supply extra calcium for egg production).

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