How do you stop quail from wasting so much food????


8 Years
Jun 17, 2011
Ok so how do you stop your quail from wasting so much food. I have tried different feeders but some how they still manage to have it all over the floor and not in their stomachs??
Any ideas would greatly be appreciated.
the only thing i've had any success with in a cat litter pan...everything else allows feed to be tossed to the ground.....
there is also a guy on the anyother birds for sale section who sells pvc feeders that everyone seems to swear by
i use the flip open chick feeders, they sometimes get poo in it, but the feed stays in there.

just like this one
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I was just looking at all the wasted feed & sand in the tray on my quail coop last night. The hubby suggest reusing it...LOL Uh, no.
i agree with mits. on this one. those feeders to me work better than any other ones i'v ever used... i also feed multiple times a day and dont (overfill) those feeders so they can throw the feed out. (they love to toss feed around and do everything from throwing it and dust bathing in it, to eating of course. but it wastes feed when you fill them allll the way so fill half way IMO
I don't have quails but my chickens often spill feed all over too. Got a tip from a farmer and it worked. First, I used pellets. Pellet helps me and the chickens see the feed on the floor. Second, when there is a good amount on the floor, simply remove or do not refill the feeder. The birds will clean up the spillage on the floor.
Lately, when I pull out he tray to change the paper under the breeder cage, the hens come running and stick their heads out to eat the wasted feed in the tray.

It's like the wasted feed is tastier than the feed in the dispenser.

I let them at it for a while, then I change the paper and put the tray back quickly. Because if the tray is in front of their faces, it's not under their butts!

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