How Many Eggs With How Many Hens Today?


10 eggs from 12 hens, 5 marans, 4 EE's, and 3 turkens. And I'm sure there's at least a dozen more banty eggs hidden around here today, but it's raining and I'm not going on an egg hunt!
Breeds: 2 Speckled Sussex
2 Black Australorp
2 Easter Eggers (thought were Americauna when puchased)
3 Gold Laced Wyandotte
1 Buff Orpington
1 Jersey Giant
2 Dominique
Total hens: 13

Eggs: 8

Several going through molt, they were just starting to get back to production after a light lay in the winter. In fall I would get 12-15 out of 15 hens. Lost 2 to predators at Christmas, production dropped in January to 4-5 eggs a day.
4 eggs, 4 barred rock hens - 3 or 4 eggs a day

One egg most mornings then the rest in mid afternoon.
4 outta 6. Which is good considering they hadnt layed much at all for the last week. I just moved them to a new coop about a week ago. Hopefully they'll start picking up now.
(2 white rocks, 1 BO, and 3 Ameraucanas)

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