Introducing New Pullet not Vaccinated


In the Brooder
Sep 17, 2023
Hello. I am pretty new to this. I purchased day old chicks from a hatchery that were vaccinated for Mareks and Coccidiosis and have been raising them for 12 weeks now.

I’d like to buy another pullet from a local place nearby that vaccinates for Mareks only. I have two questions.

1. Might I have any issues introducing a single 9-10 week old pullet to my flock of 4 12 week olds? I suspect one of them is a cockerel, if that matters.

2. Should I be cautious doing this since my flock has both vaccinations but the new bird is only vaccinated for Mareks? I know feeding medicated feed would undo the vaccination for my flock so I don’t think medicated feed is an option.

Thanks for any help!
The biggest factor in introducing this new bird to your flock is the fact that it's just a lone bird. I strongly recommend that you get at least two to introduce via the "look don't touch" method.
Coccidiosis can happen whenever there is exposure either to new strains of coccidia oocysts or a population explosion of them. I would just have Corid on hand and closely monitor for an outbreak and act accordingly.

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