introductions and question


12 Years
Jan 29, 2007
Hello, I'm a new forum member from Texas. I have been thinking about raising a few chickens in my backyard and have a question that I assume is easy to answer for people who are already raising chickens:
How many days can the chickens reasonably be left alone if I should decide to go on vacation or such? I rarely go on vacation and have no problem with caring for my chickens on a daily basis, but I need some plan for this occasion. I understand that it may also depend on how and where the chickens live. Are there any tips such as feeding devices that last for a few days?
Thanks for your suggestions.
welcome! there is tonss of info here!

I bet a chicken could goo 2 -3 days alone...but with TONS of water and food of course..chickens are easy to care for, welcome again!
Sara with auto feeders and auto waters I know folks that have left their birds alone for a couple weeks at a time. Now they also had someone come by and gather eggs every day though. That would be the biggest deal IMHO.

Oh Welcome fellow Texan. What part of this great state are you from?
I know folks that have left their birds alone for a couple weeks at a time.

oh ye..HAHA sorry I am used to owning 2 or 3 house chickens that are fed out of bowls..I am sure you could get auto feeders and go along while without having to care for them.
but ye..egg collecting mit be a problem.​
Welcome I am from Texas also! I would think it would depend on your coop and if there was a run attached. I have a few chickens that roost in my horse barn and it drives my hubby crazy but I love it they free range and eat the horse food my others have to be closed in at night or something will get them.....sometimes you can find ads at your local feed store for people who will help with your animals while gone too....
When we leave for extended periods I have one of my neighbors (who I've provided with eggs throughout the year) come by every few days and get eggs and check the feeder and auto waterer. I leave it up to him regarding letting them out. He's welcome to let them out during the day as long as he's willing to come back and lock them up.

If it wasn't for egg collection, my hens would be just fine for 5 days with my auto waterer and huge feeder. I've got a very secure chicken run attached to their coop.
Egg collection???

My brain tells me to make a egg roll away nest that rolls the eggs down to a waiting cooler (dry ice in it) but afraid once I come back from vacation, I will find all my eggs frozen or broken from freezing temps
....just a wild thought!

I dont have any problems with roll away nests for the weekend sitting out there as long it is not so hot or you would just chuck them out when you do collect them if they are pretty hot or been in extreme temps.

I have gone on vacations before and its usually four days max and the girls all had plenty of water and food when we got back. For a week long vacation, I would have my sis or my nephews come by and check on them and collect eggs, of course, theyre free to them LOL.

I would try to make sure there are no chicks or other birds that needs alot of attention because most of my family except my father are not so incline to care for them due to their own reasons (city folks you know).
With a 5 gal bucket for an auto waterer and another for an auto feeder, I left my five chickens for a week with no problems. I did have someone come by and get eggs every few days, though. And I had bowls under the water spouts that would fill up with rain water just in case the auto waterer got knocked over. Also, my chickens are a heavy breed that didn't fly and was fenced in by a 6' board fence. My only concern was preditors such as raptors or wild cats. But they were fine.
Thanks everyone. I still need to think some more about how exactly my chickens are going to live, but you helped me with some good suggestions and information. I'm thinking about just a very small flock of may be around 5 hens to begin with. I have been breeding lots of canaries some years ago, but obviously chickens will be different.
I will have plenty of planning to do for that I need at least a few stressfree days. My planning is still at the very beginning.
Oh, and I'm living in Central Texas; though not exactly a fellow Texan, since I'm German
Sara aint a thing wrong with being German. I spent a wonderful 32 months in Germany during my Air Force life and loved every minute of and like we say here, you might not of been born here but you got here as quick as you could.

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