Is my chick’s poop normal?

Hello Wyorp Rock, I know you are an avid BYC member so I'm sending a pics of my 9 day old Chicks from Rural KIng, the yellows. The grey one was a hatchling from a friends hen. The pic is day three together. Used paper towels for easy clean and was told that it helps with walking around. Not gaining weight, and the first pic file is a poo from this am on the paper towel. All 4 of the other chicks are fine. Feeding chick starter, non-medicated, always fresh water. Acting a little fluff, not as active as others, feels lighter weight than others, only water in croup, all others have food., she goes to peak but not sure if she eats. Used a syringe for water/nutri drench....appreciate your response
Cute chicks!

She may not be eating well. The crumbles may be too large for her to handle. Try soaking the feed and making a wet mash or you can grind it up smaller almost to a powder. See if that helps.
Cute chicks!

She may not be eating well. The crumbles may be too large for her to handle. Try soaking the feed and making a wet mash or you can grind it up smaller almost to a powder. See if that helps.
Thank you very much for the info. So, I have no need for concern about coccidiosis....? I have corid but was waiting for your response. I will indeed use my Ninja to grind up that food!!! by the way, I did conservatively let her drink the droplet from the end of a 1cc syringe of a fresh egg yolk until it seemed she was 'done'
Thank you very much for the info. So, I have no need for concern about coccidiosis....? I have corid but was waiting for your response. I will indeed use my Ninja to grind up that food!!! by the way, I did conservatively let her drink the droplet from the end of a 1cc syringe of a fresh egg yolk until it seemed she was 'done'
Day old chicks are too young to become symptomatic from Coccidia.
She wasn't day old, was about 5 after a purchase from a farm store. Anyway, she has had solid poo, I ground the chick starter pellets and she picks from it. After I drop some water/nutri-drench into her, she seems hungry and will immediately go to the food dish. She has been more alert rather than closing her eyes frequently and I thank you, I thank you for the advice! I believe she is over a touch and go scenario!!!

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