Is This Duckling Stuck?


May 12, 2022
About 29 hours ago, we noticed the pip in this egg. This morning at around 10 am (it is now 6 pm), we noticed it had started to zip. Ever since maybe one pm the ducklings egg has pretty much looked like this, and it’s been trying to stretch its way out over and over again! But it hasn’t cracked enough of the egg to the side to get out. It’s been many hours and I’m not sure what to do. Is it possible it’s stuck in some way which is why it can’t get to the shell on the side? Or do you guys think it will just figure it out? I’m sorry, this is my first time hatching ducklings and I don’t know what’s normal and what’s not yet.
About 29 hours ago, we noticed the pip in this egg. This morning at around 10 am (it is now 6 pm), we noticed it had started to zip. Ever since maybe one pm the ducklings egg has pretty much looked like this, and it’s been trying to stretch its way out over and over again! But it hasn’t cracked enough of the egg to the side to get out. It’s been many hours and I’m not sure what to do. Is it possible it’s stuck in some way which is why it can’t get to the shell on the side? Or do you guys think it will just figure it out? I’m sorry, this is my first time hatching ducklings and I don’t know what’s normal and what’s not yet.

So happy to hear this. I have not assisted before after seeing bruising and they have not made it. Then I have assisted fully and she is a huge Mule a year old and just fine. Sometimes it's difficult to know which was to go with them.

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