Ended May Madness, a Random Funny Posting Contest


Kermit : it is 1205 am and kikiruru has another question

Why does a cat want to come in and as soon as you shut the door wants to go back out
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May Madness, a Random Funny Posting Contest
Ends May 31st, 2024

This is a RANDOM Winner Contest...

POST POST POST! Post Pictures, quotes, stories, jokes, etc!
We will use a random number generator to select our winners for this Contest.

A one-month PFM to five winners. One winner will be chosen each Sunday for the next five consecutive weeks.

To increase your chances of winning, please read the rules before entering.
  1. Unlimited entries!
  2. All posts must be family-friendly & rated G
  3. And all other BYC rules apply: Terms of Service (Rules)
  4. Entries will be accepted through May 31st, 2024, at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
Winners Chosen These Days:
5/5/2024 - @Hayden Goseek announced here.

I love this thread
Thank you
I have pretty much been on this thread all day long scrolling through what I could read without getting my magnifying glass
Now it is time to go back through and read all the ones I missed

To the BYC members who have posted here thank you thank you thank you for all the laughs today
I actually entered them because I didn't realize everything had to be funny. And my phone canva hates me, so I have to upload the pictures to somewhere that I can just drag it over to Canva on my computer
These count:

This counts:
Q: Why did the cell phone get glasses?
Because she lost all her contacts.

This counts:
I love this thread
Thank you
I have pretty much been on this thread all day long scrolling through what I could read without getting my magnifying glass
Now it is time to go back through and read all the ones I missed

To the BYC members who have posted here thank you thank you thank you for all the laughs today
So happy to have you here. :hugs Glad you're enjoying the thread. Thanks for participating.

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