
Any advice for keeping chickens in Minnesotas harsh seasons?
What kind of coop do you need?
What kind of breeds do you guys have/recommend?
What breeds won't tolerate extreme cold?
Can chickens free range during our winters?
Is there a certain diet that they need during the colder months?

Any advice would help!
keep chickens out of wind and drafts, not recommended to insulate as will collect moisture.
have a place they can roost. ( i know it is vague)
There are many breeds which can withstand the cold, I suggest do a little chicken research.
I have a variety in WI, Austrolorp, brahma, Orphington to name a few.
Some chickens will and some won't free range in Winter. They need greens or something to free range on. My chickens when not so much snow ( ground available, left over grass weeds) will free range, because they are able to scratch and forage. 2 feet snow don't expect them to free range.
Regular feed and fresh water. I also throw a little corn out if extra cold, corn is energy, but to much turns to fat.
Chickens are tough.
If a chicken is puffed during winter do not pick them up. They puff up sometimes on the roost. they create a layer of air from what I have read. Helps keep them warm,

there is a search function, might take some reading. there is all kinds information in this forum. Just enter some key words.
Good luck
Speckled Sussex Cockerels-Southeast Minnesota
These handsome fellas are a little over 10 weeks old and beginning to test their vocal chords. I would like to rehome them since we already have a rooster in the flock. They were raised by a broody hen and she's done a wonderful job teaching and showing them how to be "free rangers". They are located in Southeast Minnesota.


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I'm wondering if anyone here in southern Minnesota raises these chickens: Chantecler or Sussex? I'd like to add a few hens to my laying flock next spring and would love to support someone local if I can.

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