Mixed Flock


Sep 21, 2020
Bergen County New Jersey
Hi Everyone. Thanks to the guidance of BYC friends, I learned to could incorporate my very young babies into the flock as long as they had panic doors and hiding spaces. It worked out really well and they are like the girls in Jr. Highschool hanging out with the Seniors LOL. I have a question about feeding. Someone suggested hanging the hen's feeders high enough for the little girls not to reach. I discovered an issue I need help with. The babies are just over 4 weeks old.

1) my chickens are SLOPPY eaters and they do drop a decent amount of crumbs on the ground. I notice my little ones hanging out grazing under the feeder. Are they safe if that happens?

Thinking about switching to all flock to solve this but...
2) Do the grown up hens (in a strong egg laying period) really know to start using their oyster shells? I feel like they never bother with them nor their grit....
3) if I put oyster shells out for the big girls, don't I run the risk of the babies eating it?
i doubt it will hurt them ... ive never supplemented anything to my flock and they do just fine, but my yard is sandy, clay may be anither story i have no experience with ... just half and half layers crumbles and scratch .. imo young birds really should be on chick starter till 6-7 weeks at least to keep them growing fast .. in your situation all id worry about is keeping the older hens out of that, its an extra expense and them hogging it all is a waste ..

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