My Rooster does not mate


Aug 11, 2017
We have this leghorn rooster that we raised since he was a chick, he'd turning 1 y.o. this October. We love him so much because he's so tame, crows a lot and a smart one too. About a month ago we decided to gave him companions. Now we got two smaller brown pullets with him, they just started laying eggs 2 months ago. They get along really well, no fights, no conflicts. He's doing quite well guiding the girls where the treats are and looking after them. But there is one problem. It seems that he's not interested with the hens, he won't top on them and seems that he is very shy. He seems more interested with our slippers Does anyone have the same problem? What recommendations can you give? Thanks a lot for reading.
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Are you sure he is not mating them? Some roosters are more vigorous than others but it really would be unusual at that age for him to not be fertilizing the eggs. Have you looked for the bull's eye? This link can show you what to look for.

Fertile Egg Photos

Thanks for the quick response. I find it really strange too. When I was on my teens I have two Roosters and they were very aggressive when ever they saw hens. I'm currently candling a week old eggs in my incubator, but I cannot see any one of them having any formation yet. :(
Has he been alone all his life ? Maybe he doesnt know what to do ..It sounds like he is learning
Yes, he's with us always. And he seems to understand a bit of human gestures and commands (i.e. Follow me, stop that, come here).

I just saw him peck the other hen on her head today, because she's getting too close to him (almost pushing) on his favorite spot. Looks like I'll be waiting for a much loooonger time. Hahaha

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