My TS got in the baby chickes and ducks .....PICS ADDED


12 Years
Nov 20, 2007
Glendale, AZ
... and my DH is not home from work yet
I have my brooder ready, got them food, even have a 10 % off coupon in the mail -- but no DH. He gets off work at 5:30 and it is now 5:45 and no DH - no car - no babies -- some little kid could be up there man handling MY baby and I am not there to protect it and bring it home and love it and spoil it...

I have bben waiting for this day - everyone else is getting babies I have seen the threads full of cute little fuzzybutts ------ I WANT MY BABIES

I am going to kill DH if he does not get his butt home soon - :thun - rotten man

he better have a good reason for making me nuts here !!!

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well the lady I talked to on the phone was a total dummy - she siad they have babies with featherd feet some without and that they were butums ?? I think she was trying to sat bantam LOL

anyway i meet DH at the door - he never had a chance to get in the house LOL

we headed up there to find they only have a small amount of bantys -- these are what followed me home .....

there is 6 all total ( so far lol )


this little silkie has black on its back - white wings - white leg feathers - and brown on the face and is the loudest of the bunch

this silkie has the black body - silvery wings- silvery leg feathers -


we have two silkies this color - but one has more white on the head


and than there are these two "mystery" chicks both look like this one no idea what they are other than cute


they are not very sturdy on thier feet - keep falling over when they get moving to fast LOL
they are sleeping alot right now - a few have found the food and water - the two mystery chicks have not yet. but it has been a busy day for them so I am sure they need thier rest.

they are getting another shipment of babies weds. each breed will come on its own every weds - so at least I know what breeds are what when we go !

Very cute!

I hate to break it to you though! Those look like banty cochins! I see a possible partridge, two whites or buffs, and a possible black/blue. The mystery chicks are OEGBs or Old English Game Bantams. They look Black Breasted Red.

Congrats on the chicks! Ya'll are making me jealous!

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