My two female turkeys had a visitor today. Will a wild turkey mate with my turkeys?

sandy sea

16 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Rogersville MO
Today as I am looking outside I see my 2 turkeys walking along the back fence. I get my binoculars to make sure that they have not gotten out of the yard. I see three turkeys. My two girls in the yard and another turkey, I guess a male, on the outside of the fence. We do have wild turkeys that live around the area. Will this tom turkey try to mate with my girls?
Today as I am looking outside I see my 2 turkeys walking along the back fence. I get my binoculars to make sure that they have not gotten out of the yard. I see three turkeys. My two girls in the yard and another turkey, I guess a male, on the outside of the fence. We do have wild turkeys that live around the area. Will this tom turkey try to mate with my girls?
If it gets the opportunity it will.
That tom will eventually have your females join with his hareem. Then you'll have no turkeys. I have read on occasion they will breed and you have a different sort of baby turkey. But where I live they warn that they will get your females to join them and you lose your flock. I decided to have enough males to keep the girls happy, but of course who gets to choose? I got a 3 to 1 ratio of boys to girls. And I'm trying to sell off the extra males
That tom will eventually have your females join with his hareem. Then you'll have no turkeys. I have read on occasion they will breed and you have a different sort of baby turkey. But where I live they warn that they will get your females to join them and you lose your flock. I decided to have enough males to keep the girls happy, but of course who gets to choose? I got a 3 to 1 ratio of boys to girls. And I'm trying to sell off the extra males
Will I got two more hens and a toms. Hopefully that will work out. I might even get a few more if I can find any to buy.
Will I got two more hens and a toms. Hopefully that will work out. I might even get a few more if I can find any to buy.
Too bad Missouri is so far away. I've got turkeys everywhere. Check craigslist. I usually have a Thanksgiving sale on birds. I sell mine on Craigslist but learned long ago meet some place very public and do the sale where you know they have security camerasMy truck will hold cages in the back seats & in the truck bed too. WalMart managers really don't mind as long as you aren't anywhere close to the store itself interfering with foot traffic. Of course here in Tennessee lots of places have flock swaps, it's just our way here. I sell poultry of all ages almost every day of the week except Sunday mornings. I have never felt unsafe using Craigslist, but armed with my address people have come and tried to walk off with my birds. And that turns the entire little corner of my neighborhood upside down because all the birds (ducks and geese) are putting up a big ruckus (except the chickens who could care less) and all the motion sensing lights are on. And then all my neighbors are turning their lights on to see what predator we've caught this time. They know no matter what time it is as soon as we've trapped a predator we shoot it to put it out of it's misery. They don't mind because were quick about it and it is also protecting their animals too. They usually ask which predator this time. But as far as the two-legged type dears attempting to stealing my birds.... we leave them to the turkeys MUHAHAHAH! Last one left bloody faced and looked like he peed his pants and I'm sure it didn't help the situation seeing my son coming out the door in his pajamas with a shotgun. We don't shoot people and have no trespassing signs posted everywhere so we don't expect people (those two-legged dears) and we were very surprised when it did happen, but we do expect 4 legged varmints who can't read. I almost wish we had enough on camera to post that whole event on you tube. We've since then changed the camera angles.
So wild turkeys can breed with domestic turkeys?
I have the opposite issue, a wild hen that flies in every year around April. I assume the wild boys have all been hunted and my tom gobbling calls her in. We lovingly refer to her as Elizabeth Warren 😆 My hens are usually inside sitting, so it makes an entertaining afternoon for my tom. I wish I could see the babies, half wild half RP, but I haven’t yet.
I deworm my flock a couple times a year and check for lice and mites often, which can be brought in by the wildlings.
She is very hard to photograph, but I try to sneak a pic every time ;)


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