My two female turkeys had a visitor today. Will a wild turkey mate with my turkeys?

I have the opposite issue, a wild hen that flies in every year around April. I assume the wild boys have all been hunted and my tom gobbling calls her in. We lovingly refer to her as Elizabeth Warren 😆 My hens are usually inside sitting, so it makes an entertaining afternoon for my tom. I wish I could see the babies, half wild half RP, but I haven’t yet.
I deworm my flock a couple times a year and check for lice and mites often, which can be brought in by the wildlings.
She is very hard to photograph, but I try to sneak a pic every time ;)
You may well have seen the offspring and didn't realize it. The offspring from a Royal Palm tom and a Bronze hen would be Bronze toms and Narragansett hens.
You may well have seen the offspring and didn't realize it. The offspring from a Royal Palm tom and a Bronze hen would be Bronze toms and Narragansett hens.
So wild turkeys are considered Bronzes? That would be so neat! She also has a nice beard for a lady, more scrawny looking than my Narrs and glides/jumps instead of noisy flapping like mine. Our neighbors have heard turkeys on the other side of their property, I should ask if it’s gobbling and if they’ve seen a male?
Wild turkeys can definitely lure your domestic turkeys away. I’ve had wild hens come in and hang around my gobblers. Every day, one would forage with them a little closer to the woods. Finally, he followed them right in, and I had to retrieve him. After that, I had to keep them all in their run to avoid losing any of them.

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