MysteryChicken's, Flock.

I'm still treating them for scaly leg mites. Pretty sure the mites are dead, just need another round of petroleum Jelly to help moisten the scales.
I've got 3 eggs from the JungleFowls that I'm gonna hatch. This is a test hatch to see if these came from the quad, or if they were mixed with someone else.
My pretty Black Malay cockerel. I gotta catch him crowing on camera. It's sounds abit robotic.
Goliath isn't feeling like breeding right now due to his spring molt. He does this every year. Molts in the spring, & fall.
Will be placing a clutch of 9 eggs under my Broody Fibro Easter Egger Hen tomorrow. It's a test hatch for seeing who the dad's were.

The eggs are from these hens:
1, Blue Face Hatch(1 egg)

2, Red JungleFowl(3 eggs)

1, Marans/American Game X Heritage Plymouth Barred Rock(1 egg)

1, Japanese Bantam Mix(1 egg)

1, Blue Face/Oriental Cross(1 egg)

1, Red JungleFowl/Sumatra(1 egg)

1, Silkie/Brahma X Silkie(1 egg)
The Blue Face/Oriental Cross laid this monster yesterday in front of me. She can't just lay one sized egg. She's given me large, jumbo, & this Colossal.
She's a small hen, by the way, just a tad smaller then a Leghorn.

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