Natures Best Organic Duck Crumbles


7 Years
Mar 12, 2017
Does anyone have any opinions on Natures Best Organic Duck Crumbles? I’m totally out of food for my five week old ducklings and we’re supposed to have tornadoes tomorrow so I need to run out early and get something. I’ve been using the non medicated Purina chick starter up until this point, but my local places are out of it and I don’t want to drive too far because of the weather. This is the most comparable thing I can find at my local tractor supply. Both are 18% protein (I’m still a bit confused on switching up the protein levels as there are so many posts suggesting conflicting ideas).
Does anyone have any opinions on Natures Best Organic Duck Crumbles? I’m totally out of food for my five week old ducklings and we’re supposed to have tornadoes tomorrow so I need to run out early and get something. I’ve been using the non medicated Purina chick starter up until this point, but my local places are out of it and I don’t want to drive too far because of the weather. This is the most comparable thing I can find at my local tractor supply. Both are 18% protein (I’m still a bit confused on switching up the protein levels as there are so many posts suggesting conflicting ideas).

Kalmbach Feeds Organic 20% Protein Starter Grower Crumbles Poultry Feed, 35-lb bag​

Does anyone have any opinions on Natures Best Organic Duck Crumbles? I’m totally out of food for my five week old ducklings and we’re supposed to have tornadoes tomorrow so I need to run out early and get something. I’ve been using the non medicated Purina chick starter up until this point, but my local places are out of it and I don’t want to drive too far because of the weather. This is the most comparable thing I can find at my local tractor supply. Both are 18% protein (I’m still a bit confused on switching up the protein levels as there are so many posts suggesting conflicting ideas).

Kalmbach Feeds Organic 20% Protein Starter Grower Crumbles Poultry Feed, 35-lb bag​


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