Neurodivergent chicken keepers

This is a great idea! I don’t have chickens anymore but I’d love to get them again some day along with ducks, turkeys, and quail! I used to have quail too. And I love the idea of the thread.
Thanks for stopping in, those are all on my bird bucket list so to speak! Someday i would love to get some ducks, how cute are they.
Hi all. Before i go any further with this let me explain what this is about and why you may want to consider hopping on the thread.

This thread is for neurodivergent chicken keepers, which means essentially people who think a little differently then others. Autism, OCD, ADHD, etc. It’s made with the intentions of sharing your experiences owning chickens being neurodivergent and knowing your not alone. With that being said, this doesn’t mean you need to be neurodivergent to be on this thread! Even if you are, you do not need to feel the need to explain what you might have, or even talk about it at all. I’m aware that sometimes it can make people uncomfortable to discuss about these types of things and feel that they should describe what they have but it’s important to have awareness, so with that said, if you feel uncomfortable in anyway sharing, please, don’t. There is nothing wrong with watching the thread and not even typing. You don’t need to feel pressured to describe what you have, either, but if you would like to do that feel free. I made this with the intentions of feeling comfortable that you are not alone, and to just chat to others about things like chickens, ducks, whatever!
Just recently joined the community and am happy to see a thread like this. Fellow NDs- how do you cope with losing a bird? High empathy= horrible grief. Thoughts?
Wayy to many.🤣
just these and a couple rolls of velcro right now. My fidgets are very tactile.
Just recently joined the community and am happy to see a thread like this. Fellow NDs- how do you cope with losing a bird? High empathy= horrible grief. Thoughts?
Welcome to BYC!

This is a good question, i’m sure this may be very different for each person but for me loosing a pet is literally like loosing a family member. A very close relative. I don’t believe i have ever felt guilt for the passings though (at least not a lot of it), even if it seems reasonable to, like it would be due to me not paying attention.

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