Jun 2, 2023
I’m getting a new rooster for my flock, what I want to know is how long should I wait for the new rooster to have definitively fertilized all the hens, before I try incubating. I currently have a gamefowl rooster as a protector but he recently became aggressive, so we’re rehoming. I definitely don’t want any of his babies.
As a general rule of thumb hens maintain high fertility 1 week, moderate fertility 2 weeks, some fertility 3 weeks, and occasional 4 weeks after a rooster has been removed from the flock. Generally gamefowl roosters are the least human aggressive of any roosters. Sorry that you got an odd one.
As a general rule of thumb hens maintain high fertility 1 week, moderate fertility 2 weeks, some fertility 3 weeks, and occasional 4 weeks after a rooster has been removed from the flock. Generally gamefowl roosters are the least human aggressive of any roosters. Sorry that you got an odd one.
He had been wonderful for almost a year, then he ran scared while 3 of my hens were picked off by a hawk and a fox. Has started to abuse and chase a few of my senior hens and attacking my toddler and I anytime we turn our backs. I couldn’t believe the radical turn his temperament took.
I just found a chocolate English Orpington rooster and couldn’t believe he was local. I’d been dying for an Orpington rooster for my Orp girls. Just trying to figure out a timeline as to when I can start getting precious little Orpington babies❤️

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