Newbie in AZ!


15 Years
Dec 9, 2008
Desert Hills, AZ
Hi all, I finally joined. I love reading posts from BYC!
We live in Desert Hills, just North of Phoenix. Raising chickens was our homeschooling project this past summer. We have had our chickens for just about 5 months, now. They are starting to lay and it is sooo exciting!!! I have been sharing our chicken adventures with everyone I know. It has been fun, but I am realizing that they are just chickens to most people. If I really want to talk chicken, I have to go to chicken people! When I try to describe the personalities of my chickens to non-chicken people, they look at me like I have lost it! You all know and love your chickens, too. You are my people!
Here are some of my girls!

We have 1 Cal. White, 2 Buff Orps, 2 RI Reds, 2 Speckled Sussex, 2 Ameracaunas and 2 Gold Sex-links. One of the sex-links is my roo.
We have 4 hens that have just started laying! What fun!
When ever you want to talk chickens, just sign on. Here, we know that they are not just chickens! They are lovable!

Beautiful chickens you have!
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