Order Up. Toaster oven Hatch-A-Long

So this is probably a sign you have a male out first and all the rest are girls. He's sitting there looking at his watch, tapping his toes and rolling his eyes cuz the girls are always late getting ready....😃
🤣 okay ladies, primping time is over! Let's get hatching! :jumpy

sci-fi applause GIF by RiffTrax
Still no additional pips or peeps. The incubator is still running but I’m not really hopeful of additional hatching. I’m not sure where things went wrong but clearly something went wrong.

Anyway time for plan B. The one that did hatch has been moved to a brooder. He looks healthy and is eating and drinking. He is still a little wobbly on his feet but in his defense he hasn’t had a lot of room to move around and practice walking

I did go to my local Family Farm and Home and buy a couple friends for him. I got 2 Buff Orpingtons and one Cinnamon Queen. Chicks are on sale this week 1/2 price. It was only $6 and change for the 3 pullets. It was tough to resist buying RIR and BA as well but I already have more than enough chickens LOL

Lacy, my broody Wyandotte has been moved to the grow out coop. The move didn’t affect her broody behavior she is still sitting on her ceramic eggs. I’ll try swapping the eggs for chicks tonight.


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