Over a year old, has never laid an egg


Premium Feather Member
7 Years
May 7, 2017
East Texas
This isn't an emergency. But I would like some insight, and advice.

I have a legbar, who is 1.5 yo.
As a chick she had pasty butt when purchased. A week later was treated for cocidosis, and then a vitamin deficiency. (She was completely immobile prior to treatment.)
She is now, the size of a 6 to 8 week old standard pullet. Weighing less than 2lbs.
She looks healthy, with a red crest and wattles.
She acts healthy and happy. She eats, drinks, and has healthy poops.
She has never laid an egg. I am certain of this.
I have recently moved her to her own coop and run, within the big run. The hens she was raised with run over her, and occasionally bully her. (This isn't a sudden thing, related to illness.)
I have some bantams growing up, and she will be housed with them.

My questions are:

Is she for certain, laying internally?
Or, is it possible that her hormones, or lack of, are such that she will never lay an internal or external egg?
If she is laying internally, what signs would I notice, and at what point would her quality of life suffer?
I had a bird who was having a similar issue to internal laying. she acted like she was egg bound. and if you felt her abdomen you could feel the eggs inside her. If she’s acting like a normal bird it’s probably a hormonal thing. She might lay eventually and just be delayed.

your bird will die on its own if it’s internal laying simply because the egg yolks will invite internal infection (Egg yolk perintotis) I think you would see her acting funny if it was that but I don’t know for sure. there isn’t much you can do if it is that so just enjoy your time with her and wait and see. that’s what I would do.
Not necessary internal laying. I had a Legbar laid her first egg at 11.5 month old, and she never became a good layer. But she didn't have any laying problem either. She was healthy, just not laying too many eggs, before she was killed by a fox.

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