Pecking order and teenager adoption by top hen, normal behavior?


Aug 29, 2021
I have a small flock of 6. My top hen, Marble, is a 4 yr old Barred rock, her best friend is a docile Cochin who by nature of this relationship gets to be number 2. This Cochin was broody again so I let her raise two RIR chicks. Once the chicks were a few weeks old, Marble started to roost in the nesting box with Mom and babies. At 9 weeks, Mom was done and is roosting again. However, Marble is still sleeping with the chicks in the nesting box. The chicks are now 12 weeks and Marble is always with them and tidbits for them and calls them when they are too far away. It is very strange behavior from a chicken who has never been broody or even very nice to everyone else. I have also noticed that Marble has taken to standing guard and alerting the flock if danger appears.
With this behavior change, the flock dynamics are a bit off and I see number 3 thinking about starting s coup. Number 3 is a 1.5 yr bossy RIR so at some time this is inevitable, I guess. I am just wondering if this "adoption" of older chicks is normal and if this will change the pecking order. I am hoping not as Marble runs a tight ship with no blood shed or bullying.
Also, should I start to encourage roosting by the chicks or just wait. I have 3, 3-4 foot, low roosts (for my Cochins) and two high roosts, so there is plenty of space for everyone.

The pic is of Marble.


  • Marble..PNG
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I didn't realize that Roos will watch the teens. It does make sense as she has definitely taken on the rooster role.
My nesting boxes are in the coop, so the flock is all together. I will start insisting that they roost.
Thank you
Sounds like Marble is (roostery) taking over after momma shuts down. Roos will do that. Her being head hen it makes sense. She's the flock leader/protector. But yea, what aart said. "Boot them out of the nest box"
I am at the end of the grower crumbles. Can I buy layer feed with the chicks at 12/13 weeks or do I have to do another bag of the expensive stuff? How vital is the 16 week mark?
It's not so much 16 weeks being vital but waiting til they are laying. My last pullets didn't lay until 23 weeks. Yours might not lay til spring now with the decreased daylight. 16 weeks is just a number thrown at when they could start laying.
Layer feed is too much calcium for young non layers. I would go with the chick starter/grower/all flock with all your birds and provide oyster shells on the side for the layers.
I feed an AllFlock to mine as I have roosters, but it's just as good to layers/pullets with oyster shell and grit on the side
I didn't realize that Roos will watch the teens. It does make sense as she has definitely taken on the rooster role.
My nesting boxes are in the coop, so the flock is all together. I will start insisting that they roost.
Thank you
Not all do. Mine mostly stay hands off only imprinting at first site til the broody gives the ok. He watches over them tho from a safe distance during that time and usually when momma starts 'kicking them out of the nest' so to speak being done with them, they'll naturally roost next to dad or take one of the lower roosts.

Here's a cool story about chicks being orphaned and Dad stepped up to take care of them....
It's not so much 16 weeks being vital but waiting til they are laying. My last pullets didn't lay until 23 weeks. Yours might not lay til spring now with the decreased daylight. 16 weeks is just a number thrown at when they could start laying.
Layer feed is too much calcium for young non layers. I would go with the chick starter/grower/all flock with all your birds and provide oyster shells on the side for the layers.
I feed an AllFlock to mine as I have roosters, but it's just as good to layers/pullets with oyster shell and grit on the side
I also feed All Flock as I have non laying hens, and it’s higher in protein. Same price as Layer feed, just be sure to offer oyster shell on the side.
I am just wondering if this "adoption" of older chicks is normal and if this will change the pecking order. I am hoping not as Marble runs a tight ship with no blood shed or bullying.
My top hen has done this repeatedly with broods (entire, or individuals within one) whose broodies left them before they were ready. She has always resumed her role as top hen without issue when it's over.
should I start to encourage roosting by the chicks or just wait.
They will move onto it when they are ready. Standard sized roosts are at the minimum width most chickens find comfortable (like almost everything commercially produced, the product uses the least material possible, to avoid waste) - I can find the ref for that if you're really interested - so if you are really keen to get them out the nestbox (rather than just forcing them out to follow others' advice), and you have room, try offering a bigger platform for them to stand on off the floor.

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