? regarding Roo's with pullets


13 Years
Mar 29, 2007
I'm curious whether I can do this or not - and if not, the reasoning.

I know Roo's should not be among young pullets because they will harm them physically due to the size difference in birds, but does this apply when the roo is a small breed (not necessarily bantam) and the pullets are the same size as he is?

My pullets are 11 1/2 wees old and large bodied already. My roo is a Polish over a year old, and basically the same size as the pullets. Will he hurt them?
After reading a few posts on the subject of introducing roo's to the flock, I thought that I would add that this roo has been caged separately, close to the flock, so they are used to each other. Also, he is not acting aggressively towards them, more ignoring than anything else. He was, however, mighty glad to see his 'girl' that we have from his previous flock. He seemed only to have eyes for her.
I've found that young pullets are ignored by amorous roosters. When they reach maturity and start to squat, then the roosters take an interest in them!

If you have a decent sized pen that they can be in, with a few places to get away from him if he becomes a problem, I think it could work. Just keep an eye on him and see how it goes.

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