Setting Eggs on Easter Adopt-An-Egg Hatch A Long!

Hereā€™s a pic of a few poking their heads out! (You can see blue cheese right in the middle!)

So here are the 3 that havenā€™t Pipped.

Internal pip? (Beak is poking around the air cell like crazy)

Two with no visible beak movement:


@Canadian Wind I put the Pipped egg under my broody, her two eggs had no signs of anything. I can hear it making little clicking noises. Itā€™s almost like she knewā€¦her feathers puffed out further, she widened and flattened her stomach more, and got started making these quiet clucking noisesā€¦fingers crossed. Iā€™ve never had a broody hatch anything yet!
So here are the 3 that havenā€™t Pipped.

Internal pip? (Beak is poking around the air cell like crazy)
View attachment 3488255
Two with no visible beak movement:
View attachment 3488258
View attachment 3488259

@Canadian Wind I put the Pipped egg under my broody, her two eggs had no signs of anything. I can hear it making little clicking noises. Itā€™s almost like she knewā€¦her feathers puffed out further, she widened and flattened her stomach more, and got started making these quiet clucking noisesā€¦fingers crossed. Iā€™ve never had a broody hatch anything yet!
The first, I agree, looks like it's internally pipped!
The second two, is there any movement at all?

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