

8 Years
Oct 20, 2015
Portland, OR
My Coop
My Coop
I'm not sure where to place this so feel free to move it.

I'd like to plant a bunch of shrubs to give my chooks more hiding places (since they love the few we have). I was wondering if any of these shouldn't be planted within pecking distance of the chooks?

Blue Moon Wisteria
Mock Orange
Dwarf Josse Reblooming Lilac
Pink Weigela
Mixed Butterfly Bush

Thank you!
You'll have to protect the plants from the chooks until they are well established, they'll try to eat them and/or scratch around the roots and kill the plant.
I have a Pee Gee Hydrangea that the chickens love to hide under, but haven't been able to damage. I've never seen them try to eat it and it's been around for years without any apparent ill affects.

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