Strange Rooster behavior? 🤔


Oct 28, 2022
Central Florida
I have the strangest rooster behavior going on right now. My man Polko (turned 1yr old in February, Moss Egger roo), he’s been placing his butt up against a wall, or in a corner & making these silly, but sweet screeching & clucking sounds. He’s doing it mostly around our matriarch hen (BCM). And he’s shirking his duties to engage in this behavior… he’s been leaving the rest of the flock to forage on their own.
Trying to see how I could upload a video of the behavior, but I’m guessing I’d need to upload it to YouTube to share.
It seems like possibly a mating/courtship behavior, but I really don’t know!
Any ideas?!
He is selecting a site for her to lay and start a clutch. The sound is typical of his intentions. Pretty neat behavior, actually.
I would really love for her to be the mamma in our little flock (8 hens). She doesn’t take any hoo-ha from anyone, including Polko. She’d be a great, protective mamma, me thinks. 🥰

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