Strange Rooster behavior? šŸ¤”


Oct 28, 2022
Central Florida
I have the strangest rooster behavior going on right now. My man Polko (turned 1yr old in February, Moss Egger roo), heā€™s been placing his butt up against a wall, or in a corner & making these silly, but sweet screeching & clucking sounds. Heā€™s doing it mostly around our matriarch hen (BCM). And heā€™s shirking his duties to engage in this behaviorā€¦ heā€™s been leaving the rest of the flock to forage on their own.
Trying to see how I could upload a video of the behavior, but Iā€™m guessing Iā€™d need to upload it to YouTube to share.
It seems like possibly a mating/courtship behavior, but I really donā€™t know!
Any ideas?!
He is selecting a site for her to lay and start a clutch. The sound is typical of his intentions. Pretty neat behavior, actually.
I would really love for her to be the mamma in our little flock (8 hens). She doesnā€™t take any hoo-ha from anyone, including Polko. Sheā€™d be a great, protective mamma, me thinks. šŸ„°

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