Switching from paper towels to pine shavings

Personally, I like to use paper towels for the first 5-7 days and then take the paper towels off the pine shavings, which I keep underneath the layers of paper towels. They're really easy to clean up and I've never had a problem with chicks eating the pine shavings at the end of the week. Good luck with your new babies!
We tried after 1 week, but they all thought that the shavings were incredibly exciting and pecked at them, and, well, we didn't want to risk them gobbling them, so we waited until 2 weeks. 1 week probably would have been fine, though.
My chicks turned two weeks on the 14th and I switched to shavings then. However, I think they might be eating small bits of them, but I'm not quite sure.

I had paper towels only for the first two weeks. I should have done what ADozenGirlz did. Sounds like she put paper towels on top of the shavings, sounds much more comfy!
I usually wait a week also, but my ducklings are playing in their water and making everything soaking wet. I want to switch but don't want to chance it with the chicks being 3 days old.
I just started getting chicks about two months ago. I've been getting about one every week now. At first I started with paper towels, but the new chicks I've gotten recently have gone straight onto the pine shavings. I haven't had a problem so far. They do peck at them, but nobody has gotten sick or anything.
I am new to this I did not know so I put my chicks right out the bator into pine. They are a week old and not having any problems that I can see. Why are not to use pine right away?
My day old's have always gone straight on to pine shavings. I put ONE paper towel in there, put their feeder in the middle of it and sprinkle their food around the towel. By the second day they have figured out the feeder and the towel is taken out. I've never had a problem with them eating the shavings and I've done this for every brood for about 40 years.
I think it's more of a personal choice, whatever you feel comfortable with.
I think because sometimes the baby chicks think it's food. They eat the pine shavings and get sick or starve from lack of nutrition. They don't know any better.

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