The Sullivan Six


14 Years
Apr 2, 2010
Sullivan, IL
Starting a thread for pictures and stories of my own little flock. In December the city was finally convinced to amend the animal ordinance to allow chickens. In January we placed an order with Meyer and began our wait. Our hatch day was April 29, and on May1 we finally got our chicks! After a week, their personalities are starting to become more apparent.

Our Olive Egger Limu is very busy, always running around, always checking things out.

Our Cream Legbar Bibu is also busy and very confident. I suspect she'll be at the top of the pecking order. She was the smallest chick when they arrived but has passed Limu in size.
Our Sapphire Jewel, Lady Amalthea, is another confident little gal. Always happy to hang out on the hand, she was the first one to make it to the top of the waterer.

The Rhode Island Red, Paprika, is friendly and curious. And not at all afraid to voice her opinion (she screams when I take the waterer upstairs to clean it).

The Meyers Cookies and Cream is the odd man out. She doesn't seem to be picked on or anything, but she seems to prefer to just hang out on her own. The 11yo named her Artemis.

And the last chick we haven't named yet is our blue laced red Wyandotte. She's the largest and calmest chick and seems to enjoy snuggling in my palm when I handfeed the chicks. I'm hoping she's a very dark blue, but her feathers are too little to see the color well. Right now they look black to me.
Congrats on your new flock of adorable chicks! It sounds like there's plenty of personality and some really fun names.

I've never seen a Cookies and Cream chick before. The coloring is striking!
They're a relatively recent hybrid (Meyer released them in 2022 I think). They kinda look like a heavier mottled houdan.
(picture from hatchery website)

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