They look like they are dying


11 Years
Oct 14, 2008
Central Indiana
Watching these guys sleeping is kind of freaking me out. The way some of them lay down, it looks like they are dying/dead. More than once I've tapped on the box just to wake them up and get them moving around. (then I feel guilty for disturbing them!)

How long will they be sleeping like this? How long till I get used to it???
They are like any other baby animal they sleep alot!! It's very normal behavior, don't worry.
My oldest are 4 weeks and they lay in some of the funniest positions.
This was a very common sight in my brooder when the chooks were babies:


They still do the same thing today, only on a much larger scale elevated on roosts, and not as often.
We just got our new chicks (first time owner) a few weeks ago. I thought the same thing at first. After I decided they were OK, it just cracked me up to watch them go to sleep. It almost looked like they had been drugged! They would just stop in place and slowly collapse until their head was on the shavings and they were out like a light bulb.
I did the same thing! Something about their closed eyelids and the way they position themselves. Mine are 3 weeks now and I'm starting to get used to it.
It is disturbing the first time you see it. I thought I'd killed my first batch of chicks for sure. Then I read a post from someone here describing it as power napping.
rimshoes - cute pic, but is that cedar bedding with your babies. If so, do you know it is said to be toxic due to the oils on it are dangerous for the peeps to breathe.


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