Time for more chicks! Hatch-a-Long!

Me either. Might need some of the daytime chicken peeps to help out. @Debbie292d @TwoCrows Do yall know or know someone who does?
It doesn't look right, but it won't hurt to wait until you know for sure that it's bad. You've tagged the right people though, so when they pop on, I'd go with what they say!
It doesn't look right, but it won't hurt to wait until you know for sure that it's bad. You've tagged the right people though, so when they pop on, I'd go with what they say!
I am curious too. I don't remember ever seeing a dark ring like this, but seeing as I have only had 2 hatches......I am def not experienced enough to know yet! Lol
Good night Abonimable Smowman, sweet dreams you frosty bugger šŸ˜Š

Good Night GIF
What do yall think this is? Soon to be embryo or blood ring? It's darker then last night so idk. I will probably look again tomorrow.
I'd call it a goner, but you know, I still put a question mark on it and keep it until the next candling as I'm a chicken chit about throwing them away. I darn near threw away a Day 17 wiggling chick in an egg yesterday just because I saw it as dead with air sacs on both ends.

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