Turkey Left Out


5 Years
May 25, 2019
We got three turkey poults with our laying chicks in the spring. So, they are around 8-9 months old now. We have been waiting for signs to figure out who is male or female. Well, they all lay eggs, so that answers that.

We had thought one might be a Tom until we saw her lay an egg. But that brings up a new question - why do the other two females hang out all the time but chase off this other one? When they were little, they always stayed together. I thought maybe this one was a male and that the males and females may separate until it is time to mate. But now realizing they are all females, I’m confused.

Any insights?
We got three turkey poults with our laying chicks in the spring. So, they are around 8-9 months old now. We have been waiting for signs to figure out who is male or female. Well, they all lay eggs, so that answers that.

We had thought one might be a Tom until we saw her lay an egg. But that brings up a new question - why do the other two females hang out all the time but chase off this other one? When they were little, they always stayed together. I thought maybe this one was a male and that the males and females may separate until it is time to mate. But now realizing they are all females, I’m confused.

Any insights?
Every turkey has its own individual personality and quirks. Apparently your other two really like each other better than they like her.

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