What is, in your opinion, the friendliest chicken breed?


In the Brooder
May 6, 2024
I love my chickens and they’re pretty friendly, but I was just curious on what your guys’s experience with friendly chickens were. What breeds have you found to be the most sweet and friendly?
My lohmann browns that I raised from baby’s are the sweeties girls to me they like cuddles and to jump on me they are however quite aggressive towards other chickens but that might just be my flock. Silkies are also very sweet but not great layers
Everyone says that about silkies cause it so true. Though one of my silkie hens lay 3-4 eggs a week sometimes 5 which is a lot on a silkie.
I have/had a mixed flock: 3 colors of brahma, wyandottes (multiple colors), a WhitingTrue Blue, 2 types of Plymouth Rocks, white sapphires (leghorn mixes), leghorn, hamburg, houdan, Rhode Island red, speckled sussex, buff orp x ee, australorp, assorted mixes of all these, jersey giants, legbar x marans x wyandotte. All are friendly and will come see what im doing and hang out for a bit. Some will hang out linger and/or come closer than others, but all (roosters included) will come check in and hang out for a bit before going about their business. None really want cuddles, but I haven't raised them to cuddle (that's the roos' job). Several of these breeds are considered "flighty".

They come hang out too. They're simply more alert and active than some of the others. It simply takes spending time with them so you're a consistent known entity
Our Brahmas are our sweetest, and anything hand raised is friendly imo lol

We have buff Orpington (never again), black Australorps, friendly but don't like touchy, Light Brahma- super friendly, Olive Eggers and Easter Eggers. Now that said when we go out to the coop they all come running and clucking and singing, they all eat out of our hands, and generally like to be around us
I don't typically hand raise chicks, I let the mama hen raise them, so they do not like cuddles or anything, but of the breeds I've had, I have found wyandottes and cochins to be the most friendly. I had this lovely silver laced wyandotte who I nicknamed Friend because every day she would jump over the fence and come find me. If I was inside, she would wait on the doorstep for me to come out and give her treats.

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