What percentage of your eggs hatch AFTER 21 days?

I went to toss some eggs that were 4 days over, and one of them cheeped! Needless to say, it didn't survive long after being bounced hard enough on the ground to burst it apart. After that, I started leaving them in for 7 days unless they leaked or stank or both. This summer I had one hatch on Day 27, just one day before being pitched. He's in my Adolescent Hutch right now.
Patients is a beautiful trait.

In that case I should abandon all hope of my remaining eggs hatching. I've got 12 left from 20 eggs which haven't hatched. It's now day 24. They're Pekin and Serama eggs. I guess for my first hatch it's not too bad. Still quite disappointing, particularly not knowing why they haven't hatched.

The eight chicks are very cute though. Seen nothing like it before
Out of 22 eggs 1-hatch day 19 4 day 20 4-day 21 holding 60-65 humidity on rest of egg. Going to go for next week see if any late will hatch. Having not candle any

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