When can my chicks be in the barn with heat source?


Apr 13, 2023
I have 12 chicks almost 4 weeks old, I'm wondering when I can put them in the barn with the heat lamp on of course still. I know some start in garages/barns etc. It's about 35-40 degrees F outside lately. Some warmer days around 50. Would they be ok in their brooder in the barn with the heat lamp (no way the other chickens could hurt them) or should I wait a few weeks?

I understand heat lamps are a hot topic debate, I have a brooder plate as well but they don't all fit under it anymore as they've gotten bigger. So I've switched to the heat lamp. I'm simply asking if they'd be warm enough, not asking for opinions and concerns on fire hazards. Thank you
Kick em out and secure the lamp well.
I screen off an area of my coop for them so they don't get into mischief.
Thanks, they're getting so smelly I've been trying to hold off bringing them out there with the lamp. But I think it's time as long as they'll be alright. There's no drafts at all either in there.
Thanks, they're getting so smelly I've been trying to hold off bringing them out there with the lamp. But I think it's time as long as they'll be alright. There's no drafts at all either in there.
Try horse bedding pellets. No smell, no dust.
Ours can't go outside for a couple of months. I switch them at a week and provide a nice gritty dust bath.

If they're healthy standard chicks, they really will only need heat another week or two at most. They could possibly be off heat already if you have already been working on acclimating them to outside temps, so if you've been doing so, you might want to try it without - and if you haven't, then now's the time to do it. Either way I'd move them out now, and actively work on weaning them off heat if that's needed.
I have 12 chicks almost 4 weeks old, I'm wondering when I can put them in the barn with the heat lamp on of course still. I know some start in garages/barns etc. It's about 35-40 degrees F outside lately. Some warmer days around 50. Would they be ok in their brooder in the barn with the heat lamp (no way the other chickens could hurt them) or should I wait a few weeks?

I understand heat lamps are a hot topic debate, I have a brooder plate as well but they don't all fit under it anymore as they've gotten bigger. So I've switched to the heat lamp. I'm simply asking if they'd be warm enough, not asking for opinions and concerns on fire hazards. Thank you
Im in Virginia, yes we have been getting 50's during the day, but the last few nights have been in the 20s on and off all week. I personally wouldn't think of putting them out yet.

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