Why are my cockerels so friendly?


Chillin' Out
12 Years
Mar 7, 2007
Mount Airy, NC
After moving my chicks to the main coop last week, they have become much more friendly than when they were in the brooder and nursery coop. My only problem is the 15 cockerels that were included in my order for warmth are the nicest, sweetest chicks of the bunch. I'll go in and sit on a bucket and within 30 secs I'll have four cockerels sitting on my shoulders, head, legs, etc. They take turns perching on my extremities...

Do you think they know their fate?
It is breaking my heart to get so attached knowing they are destined for the freezer...yikes!!!!

Well... cockerels ARE less scaredy than hens, in general.


You have my sympathy (and so do they!)
a little off-topic but this thread reminded me of something funny. we mostly have OEG bantams and this year, when everyone started really laying well, my wife's 3 yr old blue hen was not laying AT ALL. i told my wife that i was going to pick up a replacement blue pullet and her's was going to get corn fed for a little while and then into the pot. the next day, when i got home with the new pullet, the old hen had an egg. she has been laying consistently ever since. right now she's setting, lol. i guess the wife had a talk with her.
They're cute now, but wait till you have a pen full of testosterone laden young stags. Then their unafraid attitude wont be so cute, LOL.

My boys were also very friendly, and I became attached. Originally my idea was to pull the extras out for the freezer, but I got so attached I couldn't do it. My sollution? I sold them to nre homes and ordered birds for the freezer that I am not handling much at all. They are in a pen all their own, and I basically make sure their needs are met and thats all. I know it sounds mean, but its the way I have to do it. Its the only way I'll be able to do the deed in 5-7 weeks. (They're a week old)

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