Will a rooster try to mate with pulletts


9 Years
Dec 10, 2010
My chicks will be six weeks old soon In about another week I am going to let them join the other chickens They are in the coop now but have been in a separate pen for about two weeks Everyone can see each other, peck between the bars but not get to each other Will the rooster try to mate with them when I let them out and can the rooster hurt them because he is so much bigger

1 veteran 1 lab 1 old cat 1 rooster 3 hens 6 pullets
I'd worry a lot more about the other hens rather than your rooster. If he's a mature, mannerly rooster, he most likely won't attempt to mate them until they're close to laying age, sometimes after they're laying. I think the color/fullness of the comb and wattles clues him in???? So he shouldn't attempt anything until they're at least around 18 weeks or so. The hens may be brutal though...so monitor closely. If you freerange at all, that is probably the best way to introduce them without wire between them.
I agree, please watch with the other hens. I am working on combining my flock of ten, three month old birds with my flock of 20 six-week-old birds. I am doing it very slowly and gradually. Day three and when I let the young birds out with the older ones, the older ones finally didn't race over to try pecking them. I am not risking leaving them alone, however!
Are they only out while you are with them and do you keep the apart at night Thanks
My rooster is trying to mate with my pullets can someone tell me if its bad or normal

Well, he is male and they are female, so that is certainly "normal" - but being normal does not mean it cant prove to be harmful if your roo is a rough, ungentlemanly fellow. How old are your pullets, what is your male/female ratio and do you have other, mature, hens in the flock as well as your pullets for your roo to attend to?

I have 3 roosters 1 mature and 2 pullets. And 6 hens 1 mature and the rest pullets and im guessing my pullets are 8 to10 weeks old and my rooster is trying to mate with the little ones

I have 3 roosters 1 mature and 2 pullets. And 6 hens 1 mature and the rest pullets and im guessing my pullets are 8 to10 weeks old and my rooster is trying to mate with the little ones

Do you mean cockerels or male chicks? Only asking for clarity's sake as it seems perhaps the terminology is getting a bit mixed and whether he is trying to mate female or male chicks would come into play as to whether his intentions are amorous or domination.
My pullets are a few weeks older than your's and have been out with my flock of 9 hens and 1 rooster for the last couple of weeks, our rooster Zorro is a moose in size. He's actually been the only one I can truly count on to always be kind to the pullets. I agree with the others, it's the hens you have to watch. Especially the lower ranking ones in the pecking order.

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