Will there be a problem?


13 Years
Feb 24, 2011
Georgia, USA
We recently were gifted some new baby chicks. A family member ordered them for our girls to raise for their "own" and purchased the Marek's vaccination along with the chicks. Will there be any issue IF none of our other chickens or poultry have had the Marek's vaccination? I am trying to figure out if they can be integrated into our flock, or if they will need to be kept separate, or what, if any, problems can arise from this. Thank you in advance.
Nah, it's fine. The only thing to be aware of with mixed vaccination statues is if one of your vaccinated birds contracts Marek's there's a chance you may not realize they're sick, although usually they'll have some symptoms, they just won't have some of the more fatal symptoms. Other than that, they won't make your other birds sick just because they're vaccinated, the scenario I described would only happen if your flock is exposed and if your flock was exposed, the outcome for the unvaccinated birds would be the same regardless of whether you have vaccinated birds or not

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